New Seam Sealer Tip Helps Collision Centers SHIFT Production into High Gear

Want to reduce the time to complete a hem flange seam by up to 65%? The new SHFT™ SEM Hem Flange Tip allows technicians to reduce repair times, steps and waste when replicating OE hem flange seam sealer beads commonly found on doors, hoods and deck lids.
The SHFT tip is notched on both sides for left and right step-up applications. The center guide ensures easy application with even distribution of product on by sides of the seam.
Utilizing the SHFT tip means, no more masking or spreading. Not only does this new tip save up to 65% of process time, it also eliminates 100% of waste left on the tape.

Watch the video to see the full comparision of the masking and SHFT tip methods.
The SHFT tip comes FREE packaged inside Dual-Mix™ medium viscosity seam sealers 39377 and 39477.
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